Hello, bonjour. A strong girl with love, sixteen going to be, Malaysian x.
Oh, Doctor. You keep my mind afloat everyday. I hope everybody else who sees this will travel to Gallifrey, discover its beauty and fill this space with their experience there.
Visit my other friends who had been on the TARDIS, will you?
"The Doctor's darkest hour. He will rise higher than ever before and then fall so much further."
#Soul #Love #Happy

You will shine in one fine day, trust me ;)

Okay, let's started! 
Last Saturday, I had fun with some of my buddies. Yes, lots of fun to told you hahahaha :p
Kami pergi Capita Mall which is more well-known as East Coast Mall~
Ika pun....... Nak keluar tak bagitahu awal awal. Know whut? Nasib baik aku dah bangun hahaha
Mula mula, dok pilih baju tuh agak confusing me jugaklah kan. Biasalah, perempuan :3
Then, I chose baju tu, tudung tu dengan jeans tu and I'm fully done.
 So, kami gi jalan jalan almost satu mall and of course, pergi makan dekat foodcourt atas tu.
Sizzling w/ blackpepper, Mee Tomyam and Nasi Ayam for three of us! :)
Hahahaha pastu kenyang lah kan, apa lagi lol.
Kami pun dah beli ticket wayang for............
Sepah The Movie!
Omg omg omg I love Jep!!!!!!! Hahahahaha ignore me, pls?
Sebelum tu, pergi beli two box of popcorn and mash potato.
Seriously, tak sabar nak tunggu CD Sepah The Movie nak keluar!
Then nak beli, pastu tengok Jep setiap hari urgh tipu je :p
Actually, I'm quite lazy to tell you all of our 'jalan jalan'.
Check this out! 

Hanim, Me and Ika :B


 Memory lasts forever, and ever. I love them muah muah bye.

Xx; Asmieranda.
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