Hello, bonjour. A strong girl with love, sixteen going to be, Malaysian x.
Oh, Doctor. You keep my mind afloat everyday. I hope everybody else who sees this will travel to Gallifrey, discover its beauty and fill this space with their experience there.
Visit my other friends who had been on the TARDIS, will you?
"The Doctor's darkest hour. He will rise higher than ever before and then fall so much further."
#Lost #Miss

It has been a long looonggg long time right for me not to write here? Omg!
I do miss you, my blog.
Its just....... Urgh I want to make a change on you hehehe :B 
New pretty and simple blogskin, new post.
Just wait for the new me guys! 
See you soon in 2013! ;)

Xx; Asmieranda.
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