Hello, bonjour. A strong girl with love, sixteen going to be, Malaysian x.
Oh, Doctor. You keep my mind afloat everyday. I hope everybody else who sees this will travel to Gallifrey, discover its beauty and fill this space with their experience there.
Visit my other friends who had been on the TARDIS, will you?
"The Doctor's darkest hour. He will rise higher than ever before and then fall so much further."
#Creepy #Die #Pray
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- Credit to;  This girl.

Urgh. See that picture? I bet you know what I'm going to tell abt.
Its the date where............
PMR 2012 results will be announced omg Im fuckin afraid right now!!!!!

Hahahahahahahahaha no matter what happen, I know that me and my friends;-
Jojie, Ika, Oppie, Farhana, Hanim and my classmates.
All the 97's babes
will get that straight A's! InsyaAllah :')
Aku sentiasa berdoa supaya kami berjaya mendapat result yang cemerlang!
So, dont forget to pray for us and may Allah bless you~
Done for now.

Xx; Asmieranda. 

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