Hello, bonjour. A strong girl with love, sixteen going to be, Malaysian x.
Oh, Doctor. You keep my mind afloat everyday. I hope everybody else who sees this will travel to Gallifrey, discover its beauty and fill this space with their experience there.
Visit my other friends who had been on the TARDIS, will you?
"The Doctor's darkest hour. He will rise higher than ever before and then fall so much further."
#Syukur #Allah

Assalamualaikum and I'm back for awhile.
Alhamdulillah! At last, aku sangat sangat berpuas hati dan bersyukur dengan result aku.
Terima kasih Allah kerana kurnian-Mu itu :')
At least aku boleh tunjukkan yang aku bukan satu pengecewaan untuk terus dalam family aku!
I've prove it.
19th December 2012 such a great date for me and..........
Aku berjaya dapat apa yang aku impikan selama 3 tahun aku belajar :)
Tho aku masih tak percaya bila tengok slip result aku tu, tapi tulah kenyataan.
Alhamdulillah again! 
So, I'm welcoming myself to the 'upper form' year :3
Aku sangat tak bersedia nak hadapi 2 tahun kehadapan ni..... Urgh
Dear Allah, help me when I'm trying my best to go thru this life.
Tak lupa juga, congratulation to all my friends for their result!
I'm always praying for all of you ;)
Ok, that's nuff already.
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